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Four years of making friends, going to classes, playing sports and working my tail off to do well in school. Then, when the most rewarding part of school rolls around its canceled. I had to say goodbye to friends sooner than I wanted to and I never got the satisfaction of walking across that stage. In all honesty it feel like I never really graduated. I have my diploma yet I feel like nothing really happened. I was unable to see family for my graduation party and friends that live out of state are not allowed to come back. This has taken a toll on all of us and I really think that student athletes are taking it the hardest. Some of these students have been playing their sport since kindergarten and when they finally reach the end its cut short. All of their hard work in the offseason with no reward. It’s heartbreaking and I feel terrible and cannot wait for all of this to be over. I know this will pass but I just hope it passes soon so that we may get back to the way things were.