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During this global pandemic we thought we were dealing with one virus. We have been dealing with two. One is Covid-19 that people seem to ignore still, and people seem to still ignore the second viruses. The second virus is Police brutality and racism in the united states or the world. People of color mainly black people have been targeted for centuries because of systems within America since Europeans captured and enslaved them. It’s no secret that racism still exist but there’s still people who look the other way or just say it isn’t a thing.

The killing of George Floyd and many others around his murdered lit a flame around the world calling for justice for black woman, children and men who have died or been harm of law enforcements. The people before Mr. Floyd like Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till will always be remember of dying young. They died for just doing normal things like a teenage should do. Emmett Till died for look at a woman who was white. If a white boy did that, they would probably have been given a non-not being beaten to death.

This year really showed the true colors of people. Not just the president and his administration but also friend and family. I have separated from a friend that I though in a million years I wouldn’t have gone more than 2 months of talking because of school. I haven’t talked to her since the pandemic have started. I know her political beliefs and they don’t align with mine. But you wouldn’t think about not talking to your best friend because of different views of human decency and right.

On June 2 Instagram did a black out of a square showing support to Black Lives Matter. I didn’t just stop with the black lives matter black square post. I posted more on my story on Instagram, Facebook and snapchat, etc. I have friends and two family members who are black. I have friends of color. I care so deeply about their lives and if something where to happened I wouldn’t know a what to do. So, I try to say the right things. Every white person is racist just because you don’t say racist things you still think it. That just how our brain works. With this friend I saw her not posting her support and I was shocked because she has friends of color, we have a friend of color. So, I was really confused.

I can’t imagine ignoring how my friends of color and people of color feel right now in America. I decide to distance from this person and many others because in my life I wasn’t to be a good ally to people of color and many more groups of minorities who don’t have voices during this time and in general.

2020 taught us a lot and there is still more to be learn. As a white person I have a privilege to learn about problems like police brutality and many other problems that harm people of color. I hope more people take the time to learn about these issues and try to give people of color voices in this country and world to make it a better safer place for them.