Reading Time: 2 minutes

2020!  2020 says it all!  This year has been groundbreaking in a sense for everyone in the entire world.  True?  Isn’t that a true statement?  Haven’t we all been impacted by the current pandemic we are experiencing?  We are creating the future through our adaptations to the current situation.  In the past, students and employees worked at their physical school or place of employment. Life has changed dramatically in 2020 which has resulted in many interesting and great opportunities.

A day in the life of 2019 for me consisted of waking up early to attend school. The norm used to be waking up early to start the day.  I always had to get ready in the morning. This may have consisted of taking a shower, putting on makeup, and driving thirty minutes to attend school or work. This routine was considered normal for everyone in everyday life. Not only did people attend school or work, but their day outside of work was hectic. Families were constantly running their children around to school events, sporting practices, prepping lunches the night before, grocery shopping, preparing dinner and attending social gatherings. Let’s make it clear that personal time and growth was hard to squeeze in with these busy schedules. As a society, we were used to this fast-paced lifestyle.

Life is different in 2020 and will be changed for the future. My morning routines look drastically different from 2019. I now am doing my schooling and work from home.  I may not necessarily be doing the same hygiene routines, getting up as early, or having to rush around to get everyone off to school or work.  Another change is the commute to school or work. This is actually a time-saving and stress relieving factor to simply walk to another area of my house to go to school or work instead of loading everyone into the car and driving a distance. It comforts me knowing that I’m not alone and that everyone in the world has had to adapt. Whether you had to turn your dining room into a personal office or a remote classroom, sporting events postponed or your wedding cancelled, people have seen this year as a time to grow and slow life down. Children are playing outside again, couples are going on runs and families are cooking and eating sit-down meals. This pandemic has changed the way of life but as a community we are able to learn and grow with each other. With many challenges in 2020, as a society we are able to see how this has impacted us in a positive way. We have all learned to adapt to our surroundings and make changes. Life isn’t as hectic and we are learning how to make the best of ourselves and our actions.

As we are nearing the end of 2020, we all can reflect on what we’ve learned, how we’ve taken action and adapted to life in a pandemic. Life has changed dramatically in 2020 compared to any year in the past. This experience has resulted in many interesting, beneficial, and great opportunities.  Will your knowledge and adaptations positively affect your future?