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This has been the year of change. At the begin of each year we always make new year resolutions that we may never achieve and or maybe we will.  My resolution was to go full force in making sure this was my year of getting closer to getting into my program and to plan a beautiful wedding, amongst other things. I sterically planned out exactly how I could accomplish this. I quit my horrible 45hour dead end week job, to go back to a job that was more flexible with a full-time school schedule and manages to help me make ore money to pay for school and save for the wedding. I planned my school schedule perfectly to manage school and work. Everything was goings smoothly, and then the day came. March 15th was my last day of work, I remember leaving work with stress weighing heavy on my heart. The stress of the uncertain. Not knowing when the next time would be I would work again. I came home from work and cried, cried because the uncertainty of how ever I was going to finish this semester. How was I going to plan a wedding? How would I pay for both school, wedding or even my normal bills. I did not let this deter me though.

Covid 19 has been one of the craziest roller coasters most of us have had to endure. Even though with this pandemic I have stayed strong and worked around the obstacles this has given us and continue to stay this on this track. I have managed to fully commit to my schoolwork fully online, which I am thankful for but was not prepared for. It has been one of the hardest semesters I have endured so far. I felt as though there is no way I can teach myself all this without someone standing right in front of me. I was wrong, I have learned that I can do more then I thought was possible. With this pandemic though it has shown me how as people we are strong. Even the worse possible cases there are ways to keep positive and move forward and believe at some point this will all be over.

Although yes this has been one of the hardest and scariest years for all of us in a way I believe is has help bring families closer, have us have more compassion for others. I believe it has truly brought us understanding to what it truly means to come together and be strong for each other. Although not everyday has been bright, there are dark days. It’s the dark days that give us the chances to make the next day better. You cant dwell on the hardship you have to fight to find ways to make ever situation better. Even it is as simple as coloring a picture with a scared little boy or girl that is so confused on why his mom/dad is now his teacher or why they cant see their friends the way they used to.

Overall Covid 19 has open my eyes to truly understanding that you never truly know the fight someone else is face within themselves. We may not know what everyone is feeling and or going through but as humans we can understand compassion. Understand that each person deserves compassion. Every person is having a fight of their own with this pandemic, do not be a horrible person and hurt others to better yourself. Be there, even if you cant be there in person just be there to listen. Together we can get through this, we must work together not against each other.