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During the Covid-19 pandemic, I had a lot going on. In March, I remember sitting in my animal genetics class at MSU and our professor telling us “Hey, there’s a chance this is going to happen, as of right now it seems slim, but faculty is currently trying to figure out the best way to move everything online just in case.” Within the next 2 hours, everything was online and everyone’s worlds were flipped upside down.

This was my final semester at MSU. As a graduating senior, I did not get to have a graduation ceremony, sit in my last lecture at MSU, nor say goodbye to a lot of my friends. My friends that stayed in Lansing for the time being tried to make the best of it, when things started opening up a little and people were able to gather in small groups again, we held a small graduation ceremony. In all honesty, I will probably remember the good time I had at this makeshift ceremony way more than sitting in a formal graduation at the Breslin for hours.

The one thing I learned the most during all of this, is to make the most of what you have. Just because something does not go as planned, does not mean it’s the end of the world. Yes, this pandemic has sucked for a multitude of reasons, but I really hope the world learns from what happened and there can be at least a little bit of a silver lining found.