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Going from not seeing your significant other for three weeks, to living under the same roof is a huge step in a relationship. It all began at the end of March, when my parents told me that I needed to stay at home because of the “stay home, stay safe” order. I was devastated because that meant I could not see any of my friends for at least a few weeks. At the start it was not that difficult staying at home and spending time with my family whenever they would come home from work, however eventually the isolation began to drive me a bit stir crazy. I started noticing that I was not as bubbly as usual, and I was getting anxious over little things. So I frequently called my boyfriend and had long talks about life and talked about how lucky we were to have met each other. Talking to him made me feel so much better and calmer. After three weeks of just talking over the phone and texting, we decided if we had both been isolated it would be safe if we went on a walk and maintained social distancing. So we met at my house and walked all around for hours. That day he mentioned to me that I would be more than welcome to come stay at his apartment with him during the quarantine if it was okay with my parents. His invitation was so sweet to receive especially during this hard time. So when our date was over I went home and shared with my parents what I had been invited to do. They were hesitant to allow me to go because of all the house chores that would be left for my brother, however since I had such excellent points as to why they should let me go, I moved out the very next day. 

While driving a few hours to his apartment, he and I talked about our daily routines, habits and favorite things. I don’t believe either of us really knew what to expect going into this experience. We got everything all unpacked, and so our quarantine adventure would begin. I quickly learned that I was much tidier than him, and that he was a much better cook than me. We actually worked really well together. When we had to do laundry he would help me with it, and when he was cooking food I would help with setting the table and doing sous chef tasks. We shared so much personal information about ourselves, it helped us grow closer and feel even more comfortable around one another. Some of our favorite quarantine activities were hiking, watching “The Office” and riding bikes around the area. Our interests are really similar. Some of my favorite moments from living with him were our random dance parties, and our late night chats. I learned to love him so much more because of this experience. He is so caring and wonderful, we had no problems during the time I stayed with him. We talked everything out and respected each other’s opinions, I truly feel as though him and I are compatible. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity, and it is something I will remember for a very long time because of the independence I got to have and the peace I felt when I was around him.