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If you wish, you can copy-and-paste from Microsoft WordDue to the Covid-19 my family has hit rock bottom. I have never wished for a savings account and great health until now. I am a preschool teacher so being laid off for a long period of time is not a good thing. I have had it rough the past couple of months due to the virus. I have been laid off not being able to say goodbye to my students, also worrying about them daily with are they being taken care of at home are they safe, is their parents keeping them healthy. On top of that I am worried constantly about my own children and their wellbeing. I am scared for them to go outside and play in the yard. What if someone walks past coughs and it gets to my kids. I am worried because my husband works for the city and he was laid off so that makes both of us with no income and nothing from unemployment yet for him. I am still working online teaching online to those kids that I could get in touch with, so I am still working but it is nothing like being able to physically see your kiddos at work. I am also the caregiver to my elderly mom and grandma I must shop and make sure their laundry is done and on top of that get medication for them. I also pick up lunches for family members and deliver them because they do not have a car to pick up themselves. I also try to do door dash and Instacart when I can to get a little extra money flowing thru the house to keep the lights on at least. We are 2.5 months behind on the rent now and it does not seem we will get caught up anytime soon. I fear being homeless and I am scared of the virus. My dad and his wife have been sick this whole time and have not been tested they were told that they cannot. Not sure of the reasons why but they live north and in the woods any’s, so they are quarantined anyways. I just pray and continue praying that they do not have the virus. As of recently I have lost an uncle due to the Virus and we were unable to give him a proper burial, so this is all seeming so unreal. I have coworkers that have died due to the virus so now whenever we do go back to work it will total crazy to walk past their classrooms or ride their buses. This is a time that I never thought would ever happen. I believe in God and I know he is in control and there is nothing I can do about it. I wish things were back to normal and this virus did not exist. I wish I had a savings account that I could rely on and I wish I had done a lot of things differently. As far as me being in school at LCC this semester it has put a big strain on my schoolwork. I have not been able to fully focus on my schoolwork because my mind is racing super-fast with the kids being home and no where to really study now. This has impacted my grades and I know it has I just hope I can at least pass this semester where it won’t interfere with me graduating. I am hoping that my marriage will last the virus as we have been arguing more and more during this time. I am not even sure what the arguments are, but its not good for our household and marriage. or Google Docs.