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My story- Quarantine has not been the best of times, locked away and still working 40 hours a week, considered “essential”. Can’t help but not feel very “essential”. The workload piles on as does the depression, boredom, confusion and more. What’s next in the world we live in? Confused reading of all the post about politics and the anger driven Facebook post. But happy to see the people of the world coming together at a rough time like this. It is truly a time of uncertainty and confusion. I honestly feel as if life will never be “normal” again. But then think to myself “what is normal”, “was it ever normal?”. This has been a very hard time in my life and I’m not sure I’ve ever felt the way I do, I try to stay busy but can’t help but think in some negative ways. Hopefully this ends soon and life can feel somewhat normal again. I hope everyone stayed safe and healthy and we get through this together. I know I am not alone and the only one struggling through these times, that’s what keeps me going. Hope for better days.